Back with a Bang: Re-opening Holland Park
· Ben Pearson Ben Pearson on
We were pleased to re-open our Holland Park Avenue store last night after it had undergone a refurbishment. Over the past 18 months, we have moved to refurbish a number of our shops, to keep them warm and welcoming. As one of our oldest shops, the Holland Park Avenue site was in need of a freshening up but, we didn’t just give it a lick of paint and be done with it. Rather, we decided to make a few ergonomic adjustments to make life in the shop a bit easier and enhance the customer experience. Let us tell you one; moving giant fridges does not light work make!
Our mission was to create a shop environment in which the shop team and customer enjoy spending time; where they can pop in for a chat with Kathy and the team, to sample any number of cheeses and wine we have open throughout the week. Last night our dear customers gathered with us for a glass or two of Champagne, and a few canapes provided by Mr Christian’s down the road, which left us feeling that our mission had been accomplished.
So, we wanted to say thank you to those who could make it along last night, and invite those of you who couldn’t to drop by as soon as you can, as we would love to know what you think about this wonderful new space. To give you a little taste, please enjoy a few images we snapped last night and we look forward to welcoming you sometime soon.