Visiting MontRubi: the Producer’s Perspective
Ben Pearson onIt’s always great to receive international visitors to the cellar of MontRubi. Even more so if the visitor is one of our customers, and even better still if the visitor is someone with whom we …
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Bubbles: On the Wine-ding Road with Laytons
Ben Pearson onRecently Michael Robins, our Wholesale Director, embarked on a trip to Italy to visit our prosecco producer. This is his story… Perhaps I am getting too old and cynical about wine trips: been there, done …
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A ‘Day In The Life’ of the Jeroboams Commercial Director
Ben Pearson onBen Chatfield, our Creative Director, recently carried out a series of interviews with different folk at Jeroboams. We kick off with Matt Tipping… In a sentence, what do you do? I set private client side strategy …
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