Yotes Court

Yotes Court is nestled in Mereworth, Kent, the Garden of England – a bold, modern venture led by progressive and sustainable values, but with roots deep in time, tradition and place. Susannah Ricci, owner of Yotes Court Estate, enlisted the help of Stephen Skelton MW in 2016 to plant the old fruit farm surrounding her house to vines. Skelton declared it “the best site he had ever planted.”The land is perfect for vines – frost-free, free-draining, sheltered, sunny south-facing slopes, green sand at the top, heavier clay as the slope bottoms out, and stony ragstone to retain heat. In 2020 they harvested their first grapes and became one of the first producers to be accredited under the Sustainable Wines of Great Britain scheme. The striking packaging and memorable names based on Ricci’s horse racing pedigree ensure these wines will leave a lasting impression.